Token Locker
What is a Token Locker?
The OnlyMoons Locker covers 2 different type of locks, LP token locks and single token locks. Below is a in depth description of both types.
LP Token Locker
Developers that list their tokens on a DEX (Decentralized Exchange) receive LP tokens when a liquidity pool is created. These tokens are able to be traded and the owner is able to unpair liquidity (Rug Pull). An LP locker is a tool that allows the LP token owner to lock the tokens in a smart contract thus forfeiting ownership of said LP tokens for a set amount of time. This reduces the risk for investors and enables them to trade more confidently knowing that the LP tokens cannot be withdrawn. Investors can review the locks on and view the number of tokens locked as well as the duration of the lock.
Token Locker
Developers often allocate tokens to various wallets (i.e., team wallets, marketing wallets). Token lockers allow the wallets to have their tokens locked in a smart contract for a set duration.
Locker Features
Token Locker - reflection, reward and rebase tokens
Users are able to lock their tokens and receive reflections and claim rewards, the locker also supports the use of rebase tokens. Reflections are automatically added to the locker smart contract. Rewards can be claimed through the locker functions on the website or through the network explorer.
Lock Transfers
Enables the transfer of locks to other wallet addresses, after a transfer the new wallet will be the only wallet allowed to access the lock.
Infinite Lock - Only LP Locks Currently - In Development
This is a feature that will keep a lock, locked forever unless its disabled. When disabled a 7 day timer will count down until unlock. The timer set duration is subject to change and is determined by governance voting.
Lock Migration - Only available on ERC-20 pairs - In Development
This will allow locks to be migrated to different DEX's without needing to unlock tokens. This is especially useful on new chains with a variety of DEX's. To complete a migration you will need to supply the source router address from the DEX your token is currently paired with. For a DEX to be added to the approved migration list it will need to either go through the OnlyMoons Governance voting or be added directly by the OnlyMoons Team.
Lock Splitting - Only available on ERC-20 pairs - In Development
This will allow locks to be split. It could be used for various reasons, such as lock migration or transfer.
LP Rewards - Only Available on ERC-721 LP Pairs - In Development
The LP pairs that are ERC-721 (NFT) will allow users to redeem the LP rewards without the need of unpairing the LP. This can all be done within the OnlyMoons lock.
Creating an LP lock is free forever, the user only needs to pay for gas fees.
How To Use
First you must choose the correct network, OnlyMoons is continuously adding new supported networks, to see the list click here. To choose your network click the network button on the top right corner as shown in the image below.
From the list of networks chose which you need a lock for. To use our test net click the wrench icon on the top right.
Locker Creation
After the correct network is chosen select the locker option on the left side of the screen.
When in the locker screen you can see all the locks from the network you selected. To create your own lock, press the “Create lock” button. If you have any locks, you can view them all in the “Your locks” tab.
You will be given a prompt to enter a pair or token address. If you want to lock LP you use the LP pair address. If you are locking tokens, you can provide the token address.
After the lock is submitted, it may take a few seconds/minutes (depending on the network) for the lock creation. The screen will automatically show you your lock after its completed. Here is an example of the URL you should see
Lock Management (needs to be updated)
With your lock you will be able to click the wrench and manage the lock such as transfer, extend the lock, or claim tokens if there are rewards.
Other Resources:
Telegram Locker Bot:
Last updated